Sector information

General information

The textile industry in Macedonia is a sector with a long tradition and experience. About 600 companies with about 40,000 employees, or 27% of the total number of employees in the Macedonian industry, are engaged in this industry. The textile industry accounts for 12.45% of total gross domestic product (GDP) and 27% of Macedonian exports. The textile industry covers the whole territory of the Republic of Macedonia with a significant concentration in the eastern part of the country.

Textile production in Macedonia is fully adapted to the market conditions set by Western European countries. This means that it meets the strict quality standards, delivery deadlines, and complete logistics required by foreign partners.

Most of the textile companies in Macedonia are organized as small and medium-sized enterprises with a total number of employees of 30-500. This fact is a positive one, as it gives companies great flexibility in changing product ranges, producing small batches and short delivery times for the final product. This is a key factor for successful cooperation with foreign partners and for the survival of this industry that is under constant pressure from competition and market law. Macedonian textile production is mainly export-oriented, mainly on the EU market.



Контакт инфо

Текстилно Трговско Здружение - Текстилен кластер

Ул. Македонија бр. 19, кат 2, Скопје
Email: Тел: + 389 75 304 685