TTA-Textile cluster team part of SIPPO Balkan Regional Workshop

TTA-Textile cluster team part of SIPPO Balkan Regional Workshop 13-15.03.2024

TTA-Textile cluster team was part of a regional networking workshop with Business Support
Organizations from the textile sectors in Macedonia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina. One of the
main advantages of the BSOs was the knowledge and experience shared. The BSOs learned from
each other the best practices and industry insights, which will help them to improve their own
operations and competitiveness. Collaboration and networking were the aim of the held workshop
which can open doors to new markets.
Through this regional workshop BSOs were able to explore opportunities for cross-border
collaborations and partnerships. The workshop also included capacity-building activities to help BSOs
to improve compliance with international standards. Sustainability challenges as crucial area in the
textile industry was one of the topics discussed.