How to become a member


Membership in the “TTA – Textile Cluster” is voluntary. Member can be every citizen of the Republic of Macedonia, who voluntarily join the Association and accept the Statute of the Association. Foreign companies may also be members of the Association.

The amount of membership fee is 200,00 euro per year.
Payments are made to the following account:

Name: TTZ-TK Stip


Bank: Commercial Bank, Stip

Please submit the enclosed application form to the following address:

TTA application for membership

Textile Trade Association – Textile cluster
Dimitrie Cupovski 13 ( 2nd floor , office 17), 1000 Skopje
Att. Natasha Sivevska – Executive Director

Контакт инфо

Текстилно Трговско Здружение - Текстилен кластер

Ул. Македонија бр. 19, кат 2, Скопје
Email: Тел: + 389 75 304 685