Annual global meeting Swiss Import Promotion Programme (SIPPO) Forum in Lausanne, Switzerland.
Annual global meeting Swiss Import Promotion Programme (SIPPO) Forum in Lausanne, Switzerland.
50 BSOs from 12 beneficiary countries participated together with more than 100 Swiss networking participants and discussed about export readiness, legislations, digitalisation, sustainability and many more topics with the goal of identifying and addressing regulations that impact the trade. Textile Trade Association - Textile cluster contributed to the forum presenting the latest activities and sharing best practices together with the colegues from the BSOs from Bosnia and Hercegivina, Serbia, Albania, Marocco, Ukraine and Vietnam as well as with Swiss textile companies participants at the Forum. Many thanks to whole SIPPO team for the organization of such important event! NMK delegation: export promotion, tourism and textile.
50 BSOs from 12 beneficiary countries participated together with more than 100 Swiss networking participants and discussed about export readiness, legislations, digitalisation, sustainability and many more topics with the goal of identifying and addressing regulations that impact the trade. Textile Trade Association - Textile cluster contributed to the forum presenting the latest activities and sharing best practices together with the colegues from the BSOs from Bosnia and Hercegivina, Serbia, Albania, Marocco, Ukraine and Vietnam as well as with Swiss textile companies participants at the Forum. Many thanks to whole SIPPO team for the organization of such important event! NMK delegation: export promotion, tourism and textile.